They excel as a Support character, but make decent Defenders, Healers, and Strikers, too.
I also find it’s the least complicated of the artificer specialties, so it’s a good pick if you’re new to the class and aren’t quite sure how to run them yet. If you're fighting at range, go for a Longbow.If you spend on Infusion on Repeating Shot, a heavy rossbow will deal very slightly more damage, but at level 12 Enhance Weapon will improve to +2 and a +2 Longbow will match the average damage of a +1 Heavy Crossbow and will have +1 higher attack bonus. For these reasons, it is not legal in D&D Adventurers League events. You lose a lot of your combat effectiveness if it gets taken out and you can’t build a new one until you finish a long rest. Since you don't need to reload your crossbow you don't need a free hand. Get a familiar.The list of items which you can replicate is versatile and grows as you gain levels, but keep in mind that when you take this Infusion your are The vast majority of Common Magic Items are amusing novelties. Your choice of subclass will add additional focus options, but they're not notably better than what the Artificer gets by default.It's also very important to note that the Artificer must Unfortunately, it appears that you can't choose a 1st-level spell cast with a 2nd-level slot, but that's probably fine. Hobgoblins gain that crucial +1 bonus to Intelligence and a huge boost to their survivability in a +2 Constitution bonus. At high levels you might consider feats once you reach 20 Intelligence, but it's not strictly necessary. If you’re going hard into damage dealing, artificer can focus very hard on specific damage types and this feat can make sure you don’t get sidelined due to a monster’s damage immunities. While that versatility and adaptability is very powerful, it also requires a great deal of micromanagement of your character.This is the sort of class that can be rewarding for players who enjoy "crunch" and fiddling with their character's build, but which will be absoltuely punishing for players who don't like to spend hours agonizing over the differences between individual character options.Several of the Artificer's features are related to crafting and to magic items. On top of that, you can get Bracers of Archery, and they don't apply to crossbows.However, that doesn't mean that crossbows are a bad option: you can use a hand crossbow with Repeating Shot while also using a shield. It works for any character and I’m never surprised when my DMs ban it. This adds some Temporary Hit points to their effects, so even if you don't roll a useful effect you can still get some Temporary Hit Points out of the extra elixirs. You also notably don't need to provide components, so you can use spells silently, without moving, and without providing material components (including expensive ones!) If you instead us a pistol, you'll average 23 damage instead, and at that point there's no reason to learn Fire Bolt.The Artificer is the first class to be published with reference to firearms, and firearms canonically exist in the Eberron setting from which the Artificer originates. Instead, this section will cover feats which I think work especially well for the class or which might be tempting but poor choices. How do you play these mechanical geniuses? While many groups choose to omit firearms from their campaigns, you might choose to include firearms in your own game.Generally groups will use the "Renaissance" weapons, as they were historically used in time periods where using a sword or a crossbow still made sense, so you can include these weapons without significantly changing the fantasy, medieval feel of a typical Dungeons and Dragons setting. This class is not officially part of the game. like a cleric. Remember that you any creature can use this, so consider passing this off to an ally if the spell you choose makes more sense coming from someone else, or if the spell targets the caster.Strangely, the text of Spell-Storing Item doesn't use the phrase "Cast a Spell" to describe the action, so unlike a wand or similar item, creatures may be able to use this when they normally can't cast spells (like when raging). The Artificer class is one of the latest additions to Dungeons & Dragons through the latest Eberron sourcebook, so here's a formula to making one. The spell list is pretty limited in comparison to other classes, but you don’t have to hunt down spells like a wizard either.You get a small number of cantrips, and rather uniquely to the class you get to swap out a cantrip if you’d like whenever you level up.Finally, artificers are a bit weird with their spellcasting focus, you can use your tools, or any item you’ve infused (more on that later). Not only do you really need that boost to your AC but you’re going to find yourself making a lot of Dex checks when you utilize your tool sets. That will make our 4th-level Ability Score Increase very exciting. That's going to lead to a lot of people with very ineffective homunculi.In short: This ability is both bad and badly written. For a rough comparison to the Unearthed Arcana version, see this The Artificer has been a popular concept since at least 3rd edition, where the Artificer first appeared as a class unique to the Eberron campaign setting. Bring Cure Wounds to help your allies in combat, but try to avoid using it until you absolutely need to do so; you only have two spell slots. Artificers are the first official class to be added to 5e since the beginning and it was a long time coming. You get to use it a number of times per long rest equal to your Intelligence mod (again, should be 4) and that’s a ton of excellent dice manipulation.At 3rd level, artificers get to choose their class archetype or “specialty”. The Artificer has more decision points than any class to date, including the Wizard. The Failed Merchant out of Acquisitions Incorporated works well, and starts you with some very expensive starting equipment.This build doesn't require feats.
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