We were fairly full from dinner/dessert, plus we slept for a fair bit of the time in between dinner and breakfast.
I’m really not a fan or connoisseur of champagne, but it retails for about $40 a bottle, and appears to rate pretty highly. But in general, American’s product soft and hard is very hit and miss. While I know flight attendants first duty is safety, customer experience is number two.On previous AA flights I have typically had average service.
“Sorry, we only got 3 of those”. I went to sleep at 9:30 pm and slept for 2½ hours until 12:00 am. I called reservations a few days before to place an order, but apparently it never made it to the flight manifest.
See Brad’s review of his After our second visit of the day to the Terminal A – West Admirals Club, my wife and I headed over to the gate about 10 minutes before scheduled boarding time. In our opinion, the food was surprisingly good for a plane flight. This configuration of American Airlines fleet wide body Airbus A330-300 is divided into two classes with total amount of 291 seats: Business class with 28 seats and Economy class of 263 seats. I like the TV screen in this seat. How far in advance did you book these tickets? Not sure why she would say that and say I couldn’t have one.Later she asked my neighbor “Is this your magazine?” as she picked it up off the top of the ottoman. Schlagsahne, Nüsse, Früchte und dergleichen.
Talk about quick. With that said, their customer service is excellent. Alternativ hatte es noch eine warme Speise, diese habe ich aber nicht gewählt, weil einfach nicht „genügend Hunger“ da.Selbstbedienung während des Fluges, Snacks, Obst, Getränke wie Ihr mögtAuch eine kleine Tasche, die könnt Ihr in verschiedensten Variationen in meiner Charity Auktion erwerben,gibt es natürlich. !”, and asked for my order.
As for breakfast, Philly is always underwhelmed with the breakfast choices, and this was no exception. There is also a small storage area where you can rest your phone when it is plugged in but not in use. It was nice to have a bite to end the flight and begin the new day – but as usual, we weren’t fully satisfied with the selection.During the flight, there were snacks out in the galley, but we didn’t partake this time. Zwei bzw. Ob ich nun die 0,3, 0,5 oder 1,5 nicht trinke ist dann am Ende auch egal.Kissen und Decke warten ebenso bereits bei unserer Ankunft am Sitz und auch das Amenity Kit, das zeige ich Euch gleich noch, ist schon da. A good problem to have, if you ask me. We didn’t examine the choices closely on this particular flight, but we doubt you’ll be disappointed by AA’s IFE movie selection. I’m going to write a longer article about them at some point, assuming that they do a good job with 2 bookings on our upcoming trip! I was the only one at that time checking in and it was fast. I’ve really taken a liking to the new pretzel rolls, and it was excellent as always, with a soft, tender center and a meaty crust. I chose the small pretzel roll, yum!As I mentioned earlier, I had the cheese ravioli for my main course.For dessert I picked the sundae, a classic AA offering.There were a few snacks in the galley during the flight but I didn’t partake. Once we reached 10,000 feet, I enjoyed finally getting to relax in my seat with a drink and those famous mixed nuts while watching a little TV. Which was too bad, because the meat actually had a very nice sear on the outside. Thanks.Hi Sue – Great question. In addition to the screens, AA supplied nice Bose headsets that are plugged in to the console located at your inside shoulder. Today’s selection: Allegheny Airlines. This was certainly appreciated, as it’s not always the case on AA flights. Eins noch: Alle Sitze fliegen vorwärts und somit in Flugrichtung, was bei anderen Maschinen der neueren Bauarten oft nicht mehr so ist.Diese Website verwendet Akismet, um Spam zu reduzieren.
American Airlines Business Class Airbus A330 – Check In, Lounge, Abflug.
Plus, the slightly sweet red wine sauce created a wonderful contrast with the slightly bitter coffee crust.Last but not least, time for dessert, for which I chose the Ben & Jerry’s Heath Bar Crunch ice cream.I was kind of hoping for a sundae, but this was a good consolation prize, especially since I really like Heath bars.Dinner service was completed fairly quickly, with trays cleared a little under 2 hours into the flight. Flagship business class on the 787-8 and some 777-200s.