was god lonely when he made man

was god lonely when he made man

You seem to think I think shamayim only refers to the place where angels live and where God’s throne room is, but obviously it means all of the heavens, the sky AND interstellar space AND the realm of the unfallen angels, the heaven of heavens.I notice you seem to focus on the Unseen Realm in most of your posts. That hierarchy is sometimes difficult for us to discern in the Old Testament, since we aren’t accustomed to viewing the unseen world like a dynastic household (more on that following), as an Israelite would have processed certain terms used to describe the hierarchy. He had created everything before this, and after each stage of creation he “saw that it was good.” Yet in this perfect world, before humans sinned, God stated something wasn’t good. It is a ceremonial stone, indicating that the building is now ready for use, and as such there would be a celebration when that stone was set in place. He didn't have to create us. But he is alone. the only uncreated, uncaused cause, the only self existant One: “I Am” or “I Am that [or Who] I Am” (Ex. We were made to love and worship God, by God, and for God. Thank you for your wonderful insight. It means both of those and everything in-between. Heiser never even considers that possibility when he dogmatically declares “The sons of God witnessed creation long before there were people” (page 25 of The Unseen Realm).There is much that Heiser teaches that I wholeheartedly agree with. Thus, they think God made man in order to have company.This man-centered thinking fails to consider that God was, is, and will always be complete and perfect in Himself. In order for us to understand this better, we've got to look at God Himself.The Bible tells us that God eternally existed in three different persons. So God created us so we could eternally enjoy a relationship with him, and in doing so bring great honor and glory to him. What was this “not good” thing? But that includes the angels (gods) that live in the heavens. The idea of the angels already existing before there is any space or time or matter would mean that they are just as eternal in the backward direction as God Most High, an idea which is heresy.Thank you for your input. They signal new life—a new day. Bible Answer: We are never told why God created man. This is before the creation of the world. The original morning stars, the sons of God, saw the beginning of life as we know it—the creation of earth.Right from the start, then, God has company—other divine beings, the sons of God. We … Sometimes we can take the truths the bible teaches us and use language not in scripture to describe those truths. Even if we regard those “days” as periods of undetermined lengths of time, if angels/sons of God were created and not begotten (God the Son is the ONLY begotten Son of God), then they were created no earlier than day one of creation “week”. Was he bored and one day got really creative and produced a universe that included people? It doesn’t just mean “the place where the angels dwell”, and it doesn’t just mean the sky. (Rev. If ‘heaven’ in this context were to mean ‘the place where the angels dwell’ makes no sense as it would read heaven (angelic abode), earth (the abode of man presumably) and then sea (the abode of sea creatures?) Everyone else is using their own ideas, conceptions, and assumptions. It was man’s aloneness (not his loneliness ). Abstract objects are a completely different discussion, I am not claiming they exist, in fact, IMHO, they do not. “And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. Why do we have to suppose that God FIRST have to create “time” as we know it, in order to create the “son’s of God” or the “unseen realm”? When the stars came to pass, all my angels praised me with a great voice.” But the stars came into existence on the fourth day of creation week, which means the angels might have been created on days 1, 2, or 3, or early on day 4. Why did God create man? If you could point out a scripture that validates your assumption, then I will listen, otherwise, I have to disagree with you wholeheartedly.

Did you intentionally mean to frame your opening with the following?“As finite beings in a finite universe, it’s almost impossible for us to imagine what God was doing before time and matter as we know it was created.” There are a multitude of reasons I’m questioning this, but the primary issue is your use of temporal language. But who the sons of God? Rather, He created us in His goodness to glorify Him.

The ancients believed that divine beings lived far away from humans, in remote places where human habitation wasn’t possible. Not simply good, but good exceedingly. That means we cannot comprehend how anything exists outside of our reality. She is an important part of God’s plan of creation as well as His plan of redemption. Not sure how you determine that the hosts of heaven share full deity with the Creator G-d just because they have been around for a long time. Third, your response did not include scriptures, but it did reveal that perhaps you belong to or are part of the HRM (Hebrew Roots Movement) or belong to the 7th Day Adventist denomination.

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was god lonely when he made man 2020