Former NRA President Sandy Froman wrote that it “saved the American gun industry from bankruptcy,” according to But the key to gun industry growth in the last few years is the NRA’s effort to scare gun owners and stop President Obama from being re-elected. According to data from theThe numbers tell the story of a transformation in gun culture, from many more people owning a gun or two (often a rifle or a shotgun) to a smaller number of owners each buying many more guns, mostly handguns.
Time for the gun industry and NRA to accept blame for America’s bloodshed Gun manufacturers and dealers could play a huge role in making our nation safer.
Maybe he has a specific proposal as he did this week, or maybe he doesn't. There are some voices that by now we're used to hearing. There's a mass shooting, then President Obama suggests we really need to do something about gun violence. Those who favor the current laws argue that giving everyone guns would prevent massacres like Aurora.One colleague argues, “guns are the great leveler. To be fair, the National Rifle Association (NRA) has been scaring gun owners about the imminent threat to their arsenals ever since President Obama took office. The answer: the NRA Industrial Complex.Ruger and Glock guns are a common element in a string of recent massacres.In the Aurora, Colo. massacre that killed 12 and injured 59, alleged shooter James Holmes’ arsenal included two Glock pistols; in January 2011 Jared Lee Loughner shot Gabrielle Giffords in Each time we have one of these mass murders, the shooters get enormous publicity. President Obama wants more background checks?
We can use FBI background checks as a proxy for sales (even though many sales don't require a background check), and last year, the agency What's particularly remarkable about this increase in gun sales is that it comes at a time when gun ownership is on a long, steady decline. But no one seems to notice that the NRA is the boy who cried "wolf" again and again. I began following stocks in 1981 when I was inI ditched corporate America in 1994 and started a management consulting and venture capital firm ( But the details don't matter. ( The NRA’s tactics have contributed to industry growth.And that growth has been impressive. Trump's America is the one we live in.5 scathing cartoons about Trump's 'it is what it is' COVID response4 surprising reasons scientists think asymptomatic coronavirus cases are so common A healthy chunk of those gun owners respond by rushing down to the gun store to buy more guns, lest they miss their chance before Obama comes to take them away. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said that the number of guns made in the US rose 16% between 2010 and 2011 to 6.4 million guns, and the FBI expects to … But the truth is this: When Obama talks about guns, the National Rifle Association couldn't be happier. I became a Forbes contributor in April 2011. Do we value the lives of innocent people at movie theaters, malls, and schools? After every mass shooting, a debate unfolds. My 14th book -- published in February 2019 -- is "Scaling Your Startup: Mastering the Four Stages from Idea to $10 Billion." You call him a customer. There's the gun control camp, the NRA. Instead, the gun lobby continues to peddle the discredited narrative that it is not its … (Photo credit: Wikipedia) The July 20 massacre in Aurora, Colo. is just the latest in a string – each of which makes me wonder: Why can’t America keep murder weapons out of the hands of these lunatics? But one sector that is typically quiet is the gun …
There's an election coming up? The chief trade association for gun manufacturers is the National Shooting Sports Federation, which is, incidentally, located in Newtown, Conn. NRA Was 'Foreign Asset' To Russia Ahead of 2016, New Senate Report Finds Emails and interviews detail the extent to which the National Rifle Association helped two of …
I believe that guns keep us safe from evil people. And as long as gun owners are kept agitated, angry, and afraid, they both win.Here's how it works.
Gun sales are booming, and 2015 was the best year yet. For the gun manufacturers, it's about sales and protection from legal liability. How long would it take before some of the people realized he was the shooter and aimed at him?
Guns are an essential ingredient in senseless mass murders like the one in Aurora.And gun industry money is similarly vital to stifling anyone who dares discuss changes in the law that would keep Rugers and Glocks out of the hands of lunatics like Holmes, Loughner, and Cho.I ditched corporate America in 1994 and started a management consulting and venture capital firm (
With fewer Americans living in rural areas and hunting no longer as popular a recreational activity as it once was, far fewer Americans own guns today than a generation or two ago. If you took gun advocates at their word, you might think they're enormously displeased when President Obama discusses measures like the expansion (or if you like, clarification) of the background check system that he announced on Tuesday. I appeared eight times in the 2016 documentary: "We The People: The Market Basket Effect." According to IRS fillings, from 2004 to 2010, the NRA’s revenue from fundraising -- including gifts from gun makers who benefit from its political activism -- grew twice as fast as its income from members’ dues.Over 50 firearms-related companies have given at least $14.8 million to NRA according to its list for a donor program that began in 2005. And the gun industry – led by Ruger – has benefited tremendously from the NRA. This is an odd thing.
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