But already today we have sneaked down to the historic remains left by Andersson, Duse and Grunden, amidst a penguin colony. Explaination to the graph: Max temperature: Average max daily (24h) temperature per month Read about how we use cookies. The Argentines later extended a diplomatic apology, saying that there had been a misunderstanding and that the Argentine military commander on the ground had exceeded his authority. 360° nordlig. Our current air quality index (AQI) provides information on the quality of air that you are breathing and its impact on your health. The days were so long and loaded that we we hardly found time to write the necessary field notes! A reading of 65 degrees was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica’s Trinity Peninsula, making it the ordinarily frigid continent’s highest measured temperature in history. Graph explanation. Hide explanation. They are delivered by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and Finish Meteorological Institute. On WeatherHQ you will find local high quality forecasts. The air quality is generally acceptable for most individuals. But it is equally rare for the logistics to be so quick and smooth. Temperature -11° Min-11° 00:00 Max-11° 03:00 Wind speed. Monthly data are available for a selection of long-running historic stations. Why it matters: Antarctica is one of the globe's fastest-warming regions with temperatures rising 5°F (2.8°C) in the past 50 years, spurring the retreat of 87% of the glaciers … WeatherHQ is founded by the brothers Tomas and Axel Wennström. 0° nordlig, The series typically range from 50 to more than 100 years in length. Esperanza Base welcomed us with open arms and - extremely appreciated - warm shower. We left behind a functioning weather station, data-loggers for temperature and humidity in the house and in the permafrost, a well-ordered storage of historical objects. Include a date for which you would like to see weather history. Average temperature per month. We can't tell you how much We can't tell you how much we appreciate our own living quarters now after seeing theirs!Esperanza base and the remains of the hut. After 14 days on Snow Hill and ticking off almost all boxes in the work plan, it was time for the team to move on in a dramatic series of helicopter flights that took them from Snow Hill to Marambio Base and, after a very short overlay there, on to Esperanza Base on January 24. One of the strongest recorded quakes in North Carolina felt across east coast SundayDid you feel it? Temperature. Förklaring: Argentina's Esperanza Base on Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula reached 65°F (18.3°C) on Thursday, notching the continent's warmest temperature in recorded history, per the World Meteorological Organization. Weather station Base Esperanza - Last observation at 2020-06-04 kl 21:00. Precipitation numbers may contain errors. Right now. 81% Visibility. Hide explanation. We'd love to hear from you. Right now. Explaination to the graph: Max temperature: Average max daily (24h) temperature per month 90° östlig, Esperanza Base. 225° sydvästlig, 32 mph Wind direction. Average temperature per month. Snow continuing through this morning with a storm total of 15-25 cm 83% Visibility. This website uses cookies. Find historical weather by searching for a city, zip code, or airport code. 135° sydöstlig, We will be revisiting the intensive working days at Snow Hill even in upcoming blog posts. Wind direction.
Photo: Kati Lindström Esperanza Base welcomed us with open arms and - extremely appreciated - warm shower. 180° Dew point -15° Relative Humidity. Esperanza Base seen from Hope Bay Built in 1953, the base houses 55 inhabitants in winter, including 10 families and 2 school teachers. But if used improperly, the devices can seriously harm or kill unsuspecting families.Lip service: 7 great balms to keep your lips from getting burned and chapped by the summer sunSunscreen, water, sunglasses, towels, a good book -- check. The Like the rest of the Antarctic Peninsula, the base has a polar climate characterized by strong winds that descend downwards from the Mean monthly temperatures range from −10.5 °C (13.1 °F) in July, the coldest month, to 1.4 °C (34.5 °F) in January, the warmest month.The temperature trend since 1948 is +0.0315 °C/yr (+0.0567 °F/yr) (annual), +0.0413 °C/yr (+0.0743 °F/yr) (winter) and +0.0300 °C/yr (+0.0540 °F/yr) (summer). It maintains the furthest South Scout troop. Read about how we use cookies.