This manual comes under the category Switches and has been rated by 1 people with an average of a 7.5. In cases where it is critical, accessing information through the Software is not a substitute for direct access of the information in the home.IF YOU LIVE IN THE EUROPEAN UNION, REFERENCES TO "SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES" SHALL MEAN ANY LOSSES WHICH (I) WERE NOT REASONABLY FORESEEABLE BY BOTH PARTIES; (II) WERE KNOWN TO YOU BUT NOT TO US; AND/OR (III) WERE REASONABLY FORESEEABLE BY BOTH PARTIES BUT COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED BY YOU SUCH AS, FOR EXAMPLE (BUT WITHOUT LIMITATION), LOSSES CAUSED BY VIRUSES, MALWARE OR OTHER MALICIOUS PROGRAMS, OR LOSS OF OR DAMAGE TO YOUR DATA.The warranties and remedies set out in this Agreement are exclusive, and, to the extent permitted by law, in lieu of all others oral or written, express or implied.BELKIN, LINKSYS, WEMO and many product names and logos are trademarks of the Belkin group of companies.
NOTE: To view the FAQs for more information, click Need help? “Software” means any and all firmware programs and associated files provided with respect to the Product; any and all software programs, applications or “apps” and associated files provided with respect to the Product; all modified versions of and upgrades or improvements to such programs (such as those provided via web-based updates), all subsequent versions of such programs, and all copies of such programs and files.
Linksys SE2800 Specification (2 pages) 5 … Community Forums. No matter what a wired connection is faster than wireless and you cannot go wrong with BELKIN CUSTOMER SUPPORT CONTACTS CANNOT BE CONSIDERED A LIFESAVING SOLUTION AND THEY ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR EMERGENCY SERVICES. From time to time, Belkin may use the Software to provide you with information that is unique to you and your energy usage and suggests an opportunity to save money on energy bills if you adopt suggestions or features of the Product or Software.
Check out our Open source licenses are generally licenses that make source code available for free modification and distribution, but can also apply to technology received and distributed solely in object code form. Software does not include any Open Source Software (as defined below).By “you,” we mean the purchaser, recipient or other end user of the Product containing the Software or the purchaser, recipient or other end user of the Software on a standalone basis. We cannot guarantee that it is correct or up to date. To the extent warranties cannot be disclaimed or excluded, they are limited to the duration of the relevant Warranty Period.YOUR USE OF THE SOFTWARE, PRODUCT AND RELATED PROGRAMS AND DOCUMENTATION IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND DISCRETION. Add up to eight entertainment and office devices to your home network at Gigabit speeds.
Get details on product availability, features, capabilities and system requirements. You acknowledge that this information is not a guarantee of actual savings, and you agree not to seek monetary or other remedies from Belkin if your savings differs. Documents. ALSO, BY USING, COPYING OR INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. Find a retailer At a Glance. Actual energy savings and any associated monetary benefits vary based on factors beyond Belkin’s control or knowledge. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT AND YOU PURCHASED A PRODUCT CONTAINING THE SOFTWARE FROM AN AUTHORIZED RETAILER, RESELLER OR APP STORE (AS DEFINED BELOW), YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE TO RETURN THE PRODUCT FOR A REFUND, SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE APPLICABLE RETURN POLICY.This product is Software licensed to you by Belkin and, where applicable, by Belkin’s suppliers.
Downloads / Firmware/Documents ALL LIFE THREATENING AND EMERGENCY SITUATIONS SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE APPROPRIATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE SERVICES IN YOUR AREA.It is your responsibility to back up your system, including without limitation, any material, information or data that you may use or possess in connection with the Product or Software, and Belkin shall have no liability for your failure to back up your system or any material, information or data.Some Belkin Products and Software may monitor energy consumption in the home. Manuals and User Guides for Linksys SE2800.
Support Toolbox. Linksys SE2800 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch. Linksys SE2800 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch
All information provided to you by Belkin is provided “as is” and “as available”. Contact Support. Learn … “You” may also mean a person who has downloaded the Software from an authorized website, such as You can find the user documentation for the Software on the “Support” page of the applicable Belkin website.“Open Source Software” means any software or software component or technology that is subject to an open source license. Please tell us how we can make this article useful.Belkin International, Inc., including all affiliates and subsidiaries (“Belkin”, “us” or “we”) thanks you for choosing one of our Belkin, Linksys or WeMo products (the “Product”). Find a retailer At a Glance. Linksys SE2800 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch SKU SE2800 User Guide PDF Register Product. View and Download Linksys SE2500 specification online. Learn … Linksys SE2800 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch. Downloads. This manual is available in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Danish, Norwegian, Czech, Arabic, Bulgarian. NOTHING IN THIS AGREEMENT EXCLUDES, RESTRICTS OR MODIFIES ANY CONDITION, WARRANTY, GUARANTEE, RIGHT OR REMEDY IMPLIED OR IMPOSED BY ANY AU/NZ APPLICABLE LAWS WHICH CANNOT LAWFULLY BE EXCLUDED, RESTRICTED OR MODIFIED. Also for: Se2800. IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH USING THE PRODUCT AFTER READING THE SAFETY WARNINGS, YOU MUST RETURN THE PRODUCT TO YOUR PLACE OF PURCHASE AND STOP USING THE SOFTWARE.
This End-User License Agreement (this “Agreement”) is a legal document that contains the terms and conditions under which limited use of certain Software (as defined below) that operates with the Product is licensed to you.PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING OR USING THIS PRODUCT.BY CHECKING THE BOX OR CLICKING THE BUTTON TO CONFIRM YOUR ACCEPTANCE WHEN YOU FIRST INSTALL THE SOFTWARE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. Stay up to date with firmware improvements and ensure your device's optimal performance.
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