lake country now police blotter

lake country now police blotter

Gallery: Recent arrests booked into Lake County Jail Police Blotter. An investigation is ongoing.The former president of a Cedar Lake girls softball club was indicated on wire fraud after she allegedly used the team's funds to pay for personal expenses.Two of Kevin Pratchett's friends found his body March 13, 2003, inside his home, according to the FBI.

The death was ruled a homicide.Derron Fuller, 25, is accused of killing Rochelle Thomas Stubblefield, 20, on Nov. 10, 2015, after she left Calumet College in Hammond.

Non-emergency complaints can be made either by phone at 250-766-2288 or in person during office hours.

The semitrailer rolled on its side while it was turning from southbound Calumet Avenue onto 45th Street, causing a traffic jam in southbound lanes.

Repairs are being made to prevent future flooding.A 17-year-old Hammond boy was pulled from the lakefront near Whiting after he was accidentally throw into the water while skateboarding with friends, officials said.A judge sentenced a Chicago man to four years in prison Tuesday after he pleaded guilty to stealing from cellphone stores at Southlake Mall and injuring a police officer during a chase involving a SmartCar.A man was sentenced to 20 years in prison Thursday after he admitted to attempting to smuggle nearly half a kilogram of meth across the Porter/LaPorte County border in 2016, attorneys announced.The Lake County Council is poised to revamp the county's tax sale rules and procedures following a bidding scandal at the 2019 tax sale.Lake County Sheriff’s officers were honored for rescuing a woman who had been stabbed, beaten and bound in a Schererville basement in 2019.The temporary busing schedule will be implemented Aug. 10 to Aug. 14, the South Shore Line announced Thursday.

The Merrillville woman has been charged with possession of a narcotic drug, unlawful possession of a syringe, criminal recklessness and possession of paraphernalia.

The incident took place on State Route 12 in the town of Martinsburg.Chad R. Kraeger, 33, of Lowville, was charged with misdemeanor unauthorized use of a vehicle without the owner’s consent, second-degree aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle and various traffic violations.The incident happened on the afternoon of July 11 on Carpenter Road in Turin and Mr. Kraeger was arrested the following morning according to the Sheriff’s Office news release on the incident.Jerrilee Hartle Jr., 39, of Lowville, was charged with felony second-degree assault and misdemeanor seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance by the Lowville police on July 8.Mr. Anonymous Complaints/Tips: call Crime Stoppers at 250-860-8336 or 1-800-222-8477.

The Medina Police Department charged Edward C. Simmons, 33, of Medina, on July 15 with 4th Degree Criminal Possession of Stolen Property and 4th Degree Criminal Mischief.Simmons was taken to Orleans County Jail and is to return to Shelby Town Court. The identity of the deceased is unknown at this time, however the victim was described as an adult male, officials said. Blotter: Lewis County police activity Jul 31, 2020 Jul 31, 2020 Updated Jul 31, 2020; 7; Facebook ... Hiawatha Lake: Under Siege.....Last night, before nightfall, our favorite trespasser was seen picking blackberries along the road, a clear violation of the right of way law. Stubblefield's body has never been found, records show.The woman told police a SUV tried to pass her on the shoulder before firing shots at her car, striking her in the leg.One-year-old Kannon Ellis was last seen at 12:15 p.m. Sunday wearing a red Champion hooded sweatshirt and jeans, police said.This was the second victim to report being fired upon while driving Wednesday.

Chance of rain 30%..Scott A. Danforth, 49, of Carthage, was charged with fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon, seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance and second-degree criminal use of drug paraphernalia by Lowville police on July 23.Warren E. Gerrish, 27, of Forestport, was charged with first offense operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content of .08 percent and first offense driving while intoxicated, both misdemeanors, by state police on July 24.According to the agency’s online activity log, Mr. Gerrish was pulled-over on State Route 26 in the town of Lewis just after 10 p.m.Aaron S. Smith, 28, of Carthage was charged with misdemeanor driving while intoxicated and second-degree aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle by the Lewis County Sheriff’s Office on Monday.According to the Sheriff’s Office’s news report, Mr. Smith was allegedly driving fast on State Route 26 in Deer River in a red Chevy pick-up truck when a deputy spotted him at about 5:30 p.m. and turned onto East Road without signaling.Mr.

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lake country now police blotter 2020