I also celebrated my birthday whilst out there and I gave the children a small bag of ‘Haribo’ sweets as a treat. The Globalteer staff are all so helpful and welcoming, and the little things like being picked up from the airport and being shown around the local area made my trip so much easier, and meant I settled in straight away. Siem Reap itself is a wonderful town with plenty of restaurants, local and western, and an endless list of things to do.
I met a fab group of people and they made the trip even better!
Promotes pollination and continuity of native plant species15+ Amazing Water Pollution Remedies That Could Help Resolve Water CrisisHarmful Effects and Effective Solutions of Open Drains That are Seriously Eye-opening14.
I also assisted with English classes.
This trip was very well organized by Globalteer.
The sanctuary is small but it gives you the chance to really see the animals in their natural habitat.
The journey was just under 1 hour each way and cost 3.50 soles return – approx £1!
I would recommend volunteering with Globalteer to anyone who wants to have a memorable life experience.Well organised, really helpful and welcoming staff. Importance Of Wildlife. Wildlife can be defined as the undomesticated animal species or plant species which includes all the organisms that live in forests areas. We ate it with our hands and although the meat looked like the dark meat of chicken it tasted more like duck. We were prepared well in advance - I particularly needed this reassurance on my first trip alone, and even though on my second trip, I knew where everything was, we were confident that we could still access any extra help if needed. I am a School Librarian, and I was able to start a lending library with books that had been donated by students at my school in New York. Globalteer representatives Jillian and Theavy worked with me to find a placement that allowed me to use my skill set.
The Biodiversity is one important issue.
The trip has changed my outlook on life and I believe that this is only the start of my volunteering career!
!It was a life-changing experience for me, one that I will never forget.
Many homes have no running water or proper sanitation and heating is unheard of. Examples of this is the Reduction in numbers of one animal can also have a chain effect on other species that are important to human beings.
It is my home away from home. I volunteered with Picaflor House in November 2018 for couple of weeks Globalteer team put children into their heart and they direct you accordingly during your volunteer program.
Why do we need to protect wildlife, for us, for the planet, for them.
I worked at Helping Hands School in a rural village outside of Siem Reap--very different from my native New York City. And in my research, Globalteer was described as a very reliable organisation which offers an authentic insight into the countries where it operates. Whenever there was an event going on, they always made me feel included. Project in Siem Reap, a perfect school placement was found, which allowed me to gain one of my most memorable life experiences to date. Working hours flexible for a passionate explorer like myself a half. The project itself is amazing and I highly recommend it to anybody who loves kids, is keen to be involved in a sustainable education project and who wants to see and learn about Cambodia village life. Individual Just Giving pages were set up and I approached various companies to donate much needed items for the children such as educational books, art supplies, toys and clothing. Being a young girl in a country like Peru, my family and friends were quite worried at first, as was I, however, I felt safe the entire time.