which of the following is not why aircraft are vectored in controlled airspace?

which of the following is not why aircraft are vectored in controlled airspace?

Flight Level 600 and above- 10 miles. The distinguishing feature of the CFA, as compared to other special use airspace, is that its activities are suspended immediately when spotter aircraft, radar, or ground lookout positions indicate an aircraft might be approaching the area. Separate radar‐controlled aircraft from the boundary of airspace in which nonradar separation is being used by the following minima: When less than 40 miles from the antenna- 3 miles. obstructions. Departure observed within 1 mile of takeoff runway endWhat primary method of radar identification requires notifying the pilot of his/her position?What are the two requirements for using position correlation?The reported fix must be displayed on the video map and the pilot must report a heading or route of flight that is consistent with the observed track.What is the minimum number of degrees of turn required to establish radar contact using the identifying turns method?When the Terminal Automation Systems method is used to transfer radar identification, radar identity is confirmed only if ________ or ________.no error messages are displayed in the data block during an automated handoff; the radar or beacon method is used to confirmIf identification is or becomes questionable for ANY reason, take immediate action to:initial radar identification in the ATC system is established.Radar service is automatically terminated and aircraft need NOT be advised when:Radar service is automatically terminated and aircraft need NOT be advised when:"RADAR SERVICE TERMINATED, SQUAWK ONE TWO ZERO ZERO,"Separate radar-controlled aircraft from the boundary of adjacent airspace in which radar separation is also being used by the following minima:− 1½ miles if aircraft is LESS than 40 miles from the antenna Separate radar-controlled aircraft from the boundary of airspace in which nonradar separation is being used by the following minima:3 miles if aircraft is LESS than 40 miles from the antenna An aircraft is being vectored near the boundary of an adjacent sector, located 35 miles from the antenna, in which radar separation is being applied. FAA Order JO 7110.5, Para 2-3-8, Aircraft Equipment Suffixes.FAA Order JO 7110.65, Para 2-2-6, IFR Flight Progress Data. "KING AIR THREE EIGHT MIKE, INCREASE SPEED TO TWO THREE ZERO. Controlled airspace is airspace of defined dimensions within which ATC services are provided. The aircraft are visually observed by the tower and the visual separation is maintained between the aircraft by the tower. UK FIRs . situation. Which of the following is true about controlled airspace? A pilot sees another aircraft and is instructed to maintain visual separation from the aircraft.When applying visual separation and the aircraft are on _________, inform the other aircraft of the traffic and that visual separation is being applied.Terrain/Obstruction Alerts; Aircraft Conflict/Mode C Intruder Alerts (commonly referred to as Low Altitude and Conflict Alert)A heading issued to an aircraft to provide navigational guidance by radarA VFR aircraft may be vectored within controlled airspace below the MVA provided the _________.In controlled airspace, what five things may controllers vector aircraft for?Separation, safety, noise abatement, operational advantage, and pilot requestHow would you respond to "NOVEMBER EIGHT TWO ALPHA, IDENT . NOTE-VFR aircraft not at an altitude assigned by ATC may be vectored at any altitude. Airspace of defined dimensions, above land areas or territorial waters, within which the flight of aircraft is subject to the rules set forth in 14 CFR Part 93, unless otherwise authorized by air traffic control. It is not the same as aerospace, which is the general term for Earth's atmosphere and the outer space in its vicinity.. 33. picture utilizing a mosaic grid composed of radar sort boxes.FAA Order JO 7210.3, Para 8-2-1, Three Mile Airspace OperationsADS-B allows the expanded use of 3 NM separation in approved areas. Controlled airspace usually exists in the immediate vicinity of busier airports, where aircraft used in commercial air transport flights are climbing out from or making an approach to the airport, or at higher levels where air transport flights would tend to cruise. Some countries also provide controlled airspace almost generally, however in most countries it is common to provide uncontrolled airspace in areas where significant air transport or military activity is not expected. Class G. What was on result of the controller sick-out? Which of the following is not part of Standard precautions? Wake turbulence encounters in other flight phases have been recorded in controlled airspace at well above radar separation minima but have not, in recent times, led to the terminal loss of control of a large commercial transport aircraft. regulation under the provisions of 14 CFR Section 99.7. "A _________ is a heading issued to aircraft to provide navigational guidance by radar.A VFR aircraft may be vectored within controlled airspace below the MVA provided the _________.In controlled airspace, what five things may controllers vector aircraft for?Separation, safety, noise abatement, operational advantage, and pilot requestTo what aircraft do you apply merging target procedures?If the pilot requests, vector the aircraft to avoid merging with ________.What two terms are used to inform a pilot that radar service will no longer be provided? Traffic advisories will be provided to all aircraft as the controller's workload permits. In Class G airspace only upon pilot request and as an additional service. required for and does not affect the use of radar for 3 NM separation.FAA Order JO 7210.3, Para 8-2-1, Three Mile Airspace OperationsConsider parallel runways less than 2,500 feet apart as a single runway

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which of the following is not why aircraft are vectored in controlled airspace? 2020