Condition is Like New. Sein zu kurzes Leben wurde von teils rätselhaften Dramen überschattet. She was either out with his wife Linda or hiding out at their house…”“Hogan and his wife and [Vince] McMahon planted ideas in her head that she was missing out on some magnificent untamed life adventure…”“Liz came down to Miami and the next thing I know – no disrespect intended, brother – but the big rib was all the room service guys would say, Four days went by and Liz called me and told me to get a lawyer because she wanted a divorce.“I was in the shower – because I was going to work at from six at night ‘til six in the morning filming – and he was in the room standing over Linda going, I come out of the shower and go, (puts his hands up) ‘Brother, she’s around back. She was a beautiful young lady. My new wife Jennifer and I were sitting on those little seats in the doctor’s office in Tampa and all of a sudden the door opens and in comes Randy.I went, [Gasps]. And I gotta tell you, man, I’ve never met a group of males with a greater tendency toward adultery, promiscuity, and even sexual perversion.Randy was just protective of the wife that he loved…”“There were people putting Halcion in people’s drinks. Elizabeth was probably 95 or 100 pounds soaking wet. WWF/WWE Magazine October 1991 Macho Man Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. There was no fixing it…”“Hogan disrespected me and my family – but through the media, you know? I would call home and Elizabeth wouldn’t be there…”“I wasn’t really finished growing up. We both said hello to each other.
And when you were with the two of them, you could see that they were very close, very tight. I looked at it and said, ‘Oh my God, Elizabeth died…'”“I saw her about five years before.