Email Address. For example, say that new rookie Joe Schmoe is the nephew of a police captain. See more. A "rabbi" is a person with influence in the police department, who looks out for and enhances the career of the fortunate cop. J Jack or Jacks English/Australian slang term short for jackboots. Inmates in prison are said to use slang so the guards won't know what they're up to.
Name. One explanation may be that the nature of police work — the difficult round the‐clock working hours, the specialized skills and com mon interests — limits the policeman's social contacts.Dr. Because many of the terms used by the police are … Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition Also used in the following ways: “Is he on the pad?” “Is there an office pad?” (The opposite of an “office pad” is “a private contract.”)Paper—To write parking tickets.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Com pared with radical shifts in the slang used by the young, for example, police slang seems archaic.Because many of the terms used by the police are so old, their derivations are not known. )a cylindrical wooden container with slightly bulging Unabridged Com pared with radical shifts in the slang used by the young, for example, police slang seems archaic. pilots simply couldn't talk about dying so they devel oped a lot of different euphemisms. RABBI. Top Terms. "To go jack on a mate" is the act of betraying associates or implicating them in a crime. Or, under the influence of alcohol. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them.Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions. Rabbi definition, the chief religious official of a synagogue, trained usually in a theological seminary and duly ordained, who delivers the sermon at a religious service and performs ritualistic, pastoral, educational, and other functions in and related to his or her capacity as a spiritual leader of Judaism and the Jewish community. The term for planting false evidence is “flake,” which is possibly a reference to dandruff. Perhaps the police use slang when talking about some question able activity so the public can't understand.”The durability of most police slang—many of the words were coined well before World War II — is another indication of the unchanging nature of police men and police work. Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition The term can be used to describe a police officer, informant or an unreliable person. Also sometimes called “aviating.” “They flew us in from Queens for the demonstration.”Good — Adjective for a local merchant who provides free meals and discount merchandise.Glass Post—A patrolman's beat that has stores with large plate‐glass windows.Go, In, or Take a Fall— To arrest. A patrol man, speaking to a lieutenant, “Hey, Lu, what's up?”Pad—A list of stores and institutions that make regu lar payoffs. Simi larly, “on the arm”—a free meal or any other free item— might be a play on the ex pression “the long arm of the law.”From conversations with a number of policemen and former policemen, here is a sampling of other slang words used by the police here:Fixer—A fixed post in front of a consulate, school or other institution where a constant guard is maintained.Flop—To be dismissed from a desirable job such as as signment as a detective or plainclothes man. Post. By clicking the submit button below, … Geoffrey Wagner, a professor of English at City College and the author of “On the Wisdom of Words,” said in a recent interview that group unity is some times the product of such group isolation.“Slang is sometimes an expression of the thought ‘If you speak like us, you are one of us,’” he said.Dr. A standup guy may be the neighborhood bookmaker, a fellow patrolman or the pre cinct commander.Straight Eight—A tour of duty in which a patrolman puts in a full day's work.Ten‐Thirteen — A radio code signal meaning a police man is in trouble and needs immediate help.TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers.This is a digitized version of an article from The Times’s print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. Who's your high ranked sponsor?”Policemen's slang varies from city to city. “Do you have a full‐time seat?”Shoo fly—Usually a captain from borough headquarters who is assigned to make sure policemen are not cooping.Squeal—A citizen's report that he has been the victim of a crime.Standup Guy — Someone who is tough enough to take pointed questions without in forming on his friends.
Don't miss another story. The captain becomes Joe's rabbi, and ensures his career goes smoothly. Now if he had problems, and felt he was abused he had me or the "He may perhaps come down to lunch," said he, in reverent accents, as if to imply that the All Of These Words Are Offensive (But Only Sometimes)“Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every TimeAbsentee Ballot vs. Mail-In Ballot: Is There A Difference?“Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean?Visualize yourself passing this quiz on words from Jacqueline Woodson’s exquisite verse novel “Brown Girl Dreaming,” and then take the quiz to prove you can do it! When policemen sleep on duty in New York, they “coop”; when they sleep in Washing ton, they “huddle.”This suggests that unlike members of other occupa tions, such as physicians, architects and teachers, po licemen seldom move from one city to another.
A policeman, talk ing to someone he knows has been arrested several times before, might say, “Come on, buddy, you've got to go” or “You're in” or “Come on, you've got to take a fall.”Hairbag—A veteran patrol man, also a patrolman with backbone.Hook—A high Police De partment official with power to help his lower‐ranking friends.Kid — An expression of mild disdain, as used by Officer Obie in the film “Alice's Restaurant” for any one who is younger, has a lower rank or who is not a detective.Lu—Lieutenant.
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