fallout: new vegas i put a spell on you report to colonel hsu

fallout: new vegas i put a spell on you report to colonel hsu

such as when you wait at night for the traitor to go to the control tower. Quest is called "I Put a Spell on You" and may go astray if you choose alternatives solutions causing the train to explode even if you disarm the bomb. You'll learn that Curtis has an access to the monorail. Hello, I'm doing this quest "I Put a Spell on You", in McCarran, and I have to deactivated a bomb in the train, the problem is the FREAKING train leaves when I enter the zone of the train, I can even reach to enter it. ... just bought fallout new vegas after selling some of my tf2 items and trading cards im proud of myself. You can find certain pathways around this floor trigger, such as jumping ontop of the rail and inch your way to the monorail doors, and that will avoid the trigger from being activated. There’s a bomb in one of the vents next to the door.

So you need the guy to admit it on the radio and the quest to update.

Use your skills or the codes to disarm it. If you have a high explosives skill (35) or high science skill (45), you can choose to go directly to the monorail, which is accessed through a door in the Northeast corner, second floor, of the main terminal building.

Confront Curtis and kill him. Also check that the script update is enabled in the data files. If you tell him about the lead regarding the Comm Tower he will not initiate his radio chatter. You can pass a Speech check and convince him that you’re just out for a walk, but he’ll be too suspicious to continue with his meeting. Then i finally got inside, used both options ( science skill and deactivation code) - got confirmation that i removed the explosives, after this, the monorail started moving and exploded anyway. That is required to avoid the mono rail from being blown sky high.Instead you should keep Curtis ignorant about your findings from Boyed and proceed with your stakeout.

every time you use a stealth boy (since i don't have a high sneak level) he doesn't talk on the radio. I will do as you suggested.Just skip talking to Hsu and go straight to the rail. If you don’t, pickpocket the disarm codes off of Curtis.Run into the terminal and go up to the second level and through the marked door to the monorail station.

Talk to Hsu and you should be rewarded with 500 Exp for your troubles, compared to the 350 XP when you fail to diffuse the bomb.1) Don't let Curtis know about the forced entries into the comm tower.2) Radio only chatter trigger occurs when you use the door INTO the comm tower.If you warned Curtis about your investigations and find him at the tower, he will never initiate his radio dialogue.

To be safe, show up at the hiding spot around 12 am. If you kill him BEFORE he says that and updates your quest, you will just go to Hsu, and he will tell you to go to the monorail, and it will blow up no matter what after that. New California Republic (NCR) Thanks so much for the post! Get onto the monorail and walk to the connecting door. Do not attack Curtis, at all! Disarm the bomb by using the activation codes on it.

He's found at Camp McCarran terminal building, in his office in the northern section on the building's ground floor. The game has a check that triggers the radio chat, WHEN YOU USE THE DOOR ENTRANCE TO THE COMM TOWER.

If you end the dialog successfully, he will then walk back into the base and you will need to wait until the next day (unless you pass a speech check of 50 to keep him on course after a brief return to the terminal).

5. When you talk to Boyed, you will be made aware of a break into the Comm Tower.Here's where the important decidng moment to avoid the bug. Disarmed it, and it counted.If you kill him BEFORE he says that and updates your quest, you will just go to Hsu, and he will tell you to go to the monorail, and it will blow up no matter what after that.
When you report it back to Hsu, he will be surprised and tell you Curtis could not be the spy as he was the leader of the investigation. To what? Choose the corresponding route below and follow it to finish the quest.
There’s no reason to tempt any bugs.If you want, and aren’t afraid of potentially triggering a bug, you can go back to the control tower and kill Curtis. Walktrhrough how to save the monorail train at Camp McCarren. If the lights are on, he's already there.

Camp McCarran has been compromised, and an agent is feeding information to Caesar's Legion about NCR troop movements. I did it this way for a while, and no matter what I did, the monorail blew up. If Curtis doesn't see you, he will walk into the tower. you've just basically agreed to everything I said.The only thing is that, there is a bug where if you tell Curtis about your lead, the radio dialogue at the Comm Tower will not start.

Now enter the monorail, turn left, and there is a vent at the end which you can activate to plant the Back inside the building, stay on the upper level and follow the map marker to Head back to Curtis and tell him he's in the clear for 550 xp and 150 caps. The Courier can improve the situation for the camp's inhabitants by undertaking a series of tasks. Even if you manage to make it there in time and disarm the bomb, it will still blow up. I chose to go with Boyed as she was the closest. So if you decide to wait inside the tower, the radio chat will not trigger.If you are able to hear the radio chatter, when you enter the comm tower, then you are most likely safe now. If you have more than 35 points in Explosives or 45 points in Science (or have the magazines or mentats to boost your skill enough in either) just leave and run. You can figure out the exact times of the break-ins by either checking the log at the control tower entrance or by talking to the First Recon Snipers to learn that the lights come on around 1 AM each night.

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fallout: new vegas i put a spell on you report to colonel hsu 2020