@dogboy23. that's not what I see in mine, I get a lot of nulls sorry, yes, but there is no way of sending the digit 1 via the serial mon without using an ascii character "1", it will never equal the decimal value of 1 yeah - with leds, saturation very very quickly approaches white probably basic computer science here, in 8 bit binary terms you can have 255 "values", how come the arduino doesn't just interpret the bytes as an ascii value... at what point do the binary values no longer represent a character?or is this beyond the scope of what we did... OK, so the LED's all jumped back to white, and the serialmon in processing is returning "null" So:Once you have a set of leds, you can do all sorts of things to them. ah - yeah, there’s a couple of bugs in the printing out that i just fixed, hold up, i’ll update the gists for you (I’m not entirely sure what the mapping from mouse position in the window to color should be - but it’s amusing to move the mouse around the window, watch the colors change, and watch the leds change in time :) using hex() to print out the hex value of the numbers being used You can then take subsets of it.
Download: Included with the Teensyduino Installer Latest Developments on Github: Hardware Requirements.
In the meantime, this is a quick and dirty fix. or is it a string of characters which should be sent as 8 0x31 bytes? so it looks the same on screen, but is doctored before it gets sent? I hope you don't mind, I'm at the start of a long road here, I may be back to annoy you more in the future.
Jan 12 2016 00:01 UTC . I'm gonna bail, thank you so much for your help, I'll probably be back tomorrow [it's 2.30am here]... thank you again for everything...
10 release_notes.md. damn, not sure how that happened, I was messing around with it...
so, if you see 0x00FF8822 for example, what would be sent to the arduino is 0xFF 0x88 and 0x22 — but not the first 00 (because FastLED only wants 3 bytes per color, not 4) or is it a hex number which should be sent as the set of bytes 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11?
That's easy, just reverse the ordering of one of the sets:Pretty much everything you can do to a CRGB you can do to a CRGBSet.
when we send it to the serial mon as a byte and read with serial.bytes its a different delivery method a byte is just 8 bits of data - numerically, it’s a value from 0-255 — if you choose to treat that byte as a character, then what that value from 0-255 means is based on that table - for example, if your byte’s value is 90, that’s the letter Z (but if the value was 122, that’d be the lowercase letter z ) so any “seeing” of it you would likely do would involve either putting a logic probe onto the serial line so you could actually see the individual bits being written over the serial line, or converting it back to string values :) so 0x00FF0000 is equivalent to 0xFF0000 which is Red (FF 00 00 - red is 0xFF (which is 255), green is 00 (which is 0), and blue is also 00 (which is 0) - 0x0000FF00 is equivalent to 0x00FF00 which is Green etc… I'll post the image onto the G+ page so you can see the relevance of the squares... Wouldn't it be nice to work on entire sets of leds at once? if the area surrounding the led setup you’re trying to photograph is too dark, it makes it way more likely that you’re going to blow out the image with the leds This hack works by exploiting the fact that WS2812B LEDs and SK6812 LEDs have similar data timing. line 38 is where i’m doing that printing out yah, I work with some big screens sometimes, they're a nightmare when it comes to cameras and brightness levels... Show comments View file Edit file Delete file @@ -1,3 +1,13 @@ FastLED 3.3.3 ===== * Improved support for ESP32, Teensy4, ATmega16, nRF52, and ARM STM32. Is it ignored in the arduino sketch or before being sent?
I was never going to be able to get the led's to respond using strings sent from processing to arduino, not without complex parsing to convert ascii into nuerical values and then store them in memory.
Use at your own risk.[ETA: And now i'm going to be out for much of the rest of the night - split even odds on me responding to comments in the next half hour, code updates are right now. Fix issue #90 (tentatively) - gcc 4.8.x and later support for avr platforms; Fix Issue #67 (tentatively) - arduino 1.5.7 and later support for avr platforms; Fix Issue #89 for people using Pin 13 for their leds and the power management code. understood.
as for the “exactly what i’m sending” - when you are sending ascii strings - you are sending 8-bit values - one per character (remember, a ‘0’ is the ascii character 48, a ‘1’ is 49, etc… ) — so a number from 0-255 would take 1 to 3 characters to send, or 1-3 bytes if you were using decimal. :)
make sure that you have the same number on the Serial.begin line in your .ino file as you do for your “myPort = new Serial(this, portName, XXXX);” line if I run the mouse along the bottom of the patch it looks bang on Simple, you slightly tweak your led creation:Now you have a CRGBSet that represents all your leds. this has been my first serious foray into programming ws28xx stuff, Ive used video processors to drive strip and pixels, but my plan is to get a bit more interactive, hence learning processing [and arduino] let me know when you’ve updated the code - i have processing here so I can take a look at what it’s actually doing my next objective is to make a 12 way setup with a 3d dodecahedron in processing.