In particular, the tax payer has the right to a reduced taxable income for the following types of income: 195 of the Management Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Organizations "On Requirements for the Trading Operator's Organizational Structure and for the Composition of the Stock Exchange’s Listing Commission and on Approval of the Rules of Operation for the Trading Operator’s Structural Unit Monitoring Transactions Executed in the Trading Operator’s Trading System" dated November 28, 2008. With the Act of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Making Changes and Additions to Some Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan Regarding Joint-Stock Companies" of July 10, 1998 coming into effect, the ban prohibiting the exchange to operate trading in foreign currencies and financial instruments other than securities, was lifted, which made it possible to affiliate the AFINEX to the exchange. On August 23, 2007 a general meeting of KASE shareholders took a decision to commercialize KASE. 49.1% of the total number of outstanding shares is held by the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with resolution No. The currency market is one of the first markets organized on KASE and it has been operating since the latter's inception. Astana International Exchange (AIX) was formed in 2017 as one of the pillars of AIFC. On November 30, 2011 the leading global supplier of indices, the Dow Jones Indexes, and FEAS launched the first index of In December 2011 KASE joined the agreement between KASE distributes information generated by the Exchange and provided by its partners (issuers, members of the Exchange, etc.). As of September 1, 1997 the trading in foreign currencies and futures contracts moved to the AFINEX trading floor.
There are around 288 corporate bonds listing on KASE issued by more than 75 domestic and foreign companies in accordance with Kazakh and foreign legislations. About us Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) is the leading stock exchange in the Central Asian region and the only exchange in Kazakhstan carrying out … 10.08.20 15:00 5.83,5.83,5.83,5.81,5.78,5.78,5.82,5.83,5.82,5.8,5.79,5.79,5.76,5.73,5.68,5.73,5.71,5.72,5.71,5.7 The main bulk of the market is occupied by companies from mining, energy and financial sectors.
Composite index weighted by market capitalization which is calculated according to prices of transactions in the most liquid shares on KASE. Kazakhstan was long under the wing of the Soviet Union and is actually the last country to have declared independence from all former SSR countries.
In addition to the KazPrime indicator, the interbank deposit market is characterized by the KIBOR, KIBID, KIMEAN indicators: Launch of yield indicators of currency swap transactions SWAP-1D and SWAP-2D KASE has established requirements for disclosing information during preparation for the listing of securities and while those securities are officially listed on the Exchange.
Throughout the day, KASE holds three foreign currency trading sessions: morning, afternoon and evening sessions. Trading Economics members can view, download and compare data from nearly 200 countries, including more than 20 million economic indicators, exchange rates, government bond yields, stock indexes and commodity prices. 07.08.20 15:00
KEGOC JSK IPO s part of the "People`s IPO" program
1 to carry stock exchange transactions, however this license only covered the right to operate trading in government securities only. Please contact the appropriate party listed above with any questions regarding your relationship with the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange, visiting the trading floor, etc. 10.08.20 15:01 The exchange was founded in 1993. 4) The Act of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Investment Funds";