The amount of spells you can prepare is equal to the Ranger spell table. Unlike the evil acolytes, cultists frequently show signs of insanity in their beliefs and also the practices. When you reach second level as a Cultist you have access to the Necronomicon.
We use Cookies to help personalize and improve Roll20. Ultimately, they are not highly trained fighters and fight with melee weapons or their bare hands if necessary. Ancient Cultist . The type still stands in terms if a creature has vulnerabilty to it. At first level you have decided to join a cult as an initiate, choose one of the following Old Gods to follow: The most common of the Great Old One Cultists, you know a little magic but your main roll is frontlining and fighting those who would oppose you. You may cast your God's strongest spell once per long rest.
Cult leaders, on the other hand, are highly intelligent and charismatic. The adventure begins in a town in the swamp. When you reach 8th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. Often, low-level cultists are However, high-level cultists and cult leaders may retain their personalities. At 6th level your God is somewhat intrested in you and grants you it's preferred spell.
Special Traits. You are part of a cult that follows an elder god, an ancient monstrosity or another such entity.
Any non evil or undead creature that tries to read the Necronomicon must make a Consitution saving throw DC 16 or be Stunned a number of days equal to your Great Old One Cultist level.
The town is Gladvost Rapids, and both the terrain and town itself is covered in vines from the swamp. This influence, and the kind of personality it breeds, tends to linger long after a person has left the fold. Contents[show] Cultist Making a Cultist Abilities: Charisma is their main casting ability, dexterity and constitution help AC and HP a lot.
Not all cultists are bad people, just as not all cults are inherently bad - but they do tend to be secretive, suspicious and even paranoid. If you do not understand the idea behind this page please leave comments on this page's As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. At second level, you can choose to bless your weapon with the power of your God. When introducing a cultist NPC, be sure to spend extra time describing their facial features, mannerisms, and other features to help characters identify and remember them.While cultists are individuals with distinct personalities, they are united in service of God or purpose which binds them together. The extra damage is 2d4 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d4 for each Spell Level higher than 1st, to a maximum of 5d4. Cultists are very much molded by the experiences they've faced within their own cult. Unholy Weapon. You have said goodbye to your humanity and have fully embraced the power of the Great Old Ones. Most conceal their loyalties to avoid being ostracized, imprisoned, or executed for their beliefs.