wonder in sentence

wonder in sentence

CK 1 2541480 I wonder why Tom isn't here yet. Synonym: drift, gad, meander, ramble, roam, rove, stray. This is the British English definition of I wonder if / whether.View American English definition of I wonder if / whether.. Change your default dictionary to American English. I wonder what it does. Who could that be at the door, I No wonder Josef was feeling a bit flummoxed. You ever While he reluctantly acknowledged his growing feelings for the lady, he couldn't help but Some of the bikers were Dean's age or older and a few were in physical shape that made you When I considered it might not be Byrne who rented that apartment in Scranton, I began to The way you keep staring down at that old house makes me It couldn't be easy for him — and the way Josh answered the phone that night — no He suspected Sirian was Memon's spy and couldn't help but Apparently it did nothing for Alex except make him He winced visibly and crammed his hands into his pockets in a way that made her Everything in this place screamed creepy order, which made her But I was so shrewdly taxed with posing as a strong-minded woman and a philosopher that one fine day I said to myself, ` What, I If the Puritans regarded bowls with no friendly eye, as Lord Macaulay asserts, one can hardly In the spring of 323 he moved down to Babylon, receiving on the way embassies from lands as far as the confines of the known world, for the eyes of all nations were now turned with fear or With the success of this undertaking in view it is a matter of Pythium, Peronospore, Completoria, Vol utelta, Botrytis, &c. That such overturgescence should lead to the bursting of fleshy fruits, such as gooseberries, tomatoes and grapes, is not surprising, nor can we In the production of silver Nye county ranked first in 1907 ($3,667,973, of which $3,544,7 88 was from Tonopah), Churchill county second ($432,617, from Fairview, The employment of Judaeans and Israelites for Solomon's palatial buildings, and the heavy taxation for the upkeep of a court which was the That the Judaean compiler has not given fuller information is not surprising; the As the number of species of insects is believed to exceed that of all other animals taken together, it is no with much other gear about London," were "burned with great In strong contrast to the ungainly toucan is the tiny humming-bird, whose beautiful plumage, swiftness of flight and power of wing are sources of constant History There is something almost pathetic in the childish Europeans are considered indelicate in many ways by other races, and a remark of Peschel l is to the point: " Were a pious Mussulman of Ferghana to be present at our balls and see the bare shoulders of our wives and daughters, and the semi-embraces of our round dances, he would silently His silence on the subject of Roman greatness and glory as contrasted with the prominence of these subjects in the poetry of men of provincial birth such as Ennius, Virgil and Horace, may be explained by the principle that familiarity had made the subject one of less The police have powers of control over vehicles and exercise them admirably; their work in this respect is a constant source of So burdensome was the duty and so vexatious were the restrictions that it is a matter for The tendency observable in many of the austerities and miracles attributed to St Catherine to outstrip those of other saints, particularly Francis, is especially remarkable in this marvel of the stigmata, and so acute became the rivalry between the two orders that Pope Sixtus IV., himself a Franciscan, issued a decree asserting that St Francis had an exclusive monopoly of this particular He cannot, like them, cover the greater part of a specimens surface with a lacework of transparent decoration, exciting in breadth, the surface of the plain, strewn over its whole extent with pieces of pottery and crumbling bricks, and also broken here and there by earthen mounds and ruined walls, the debris of palatial structures which at one time were the glory and He ended the series, as Tate Wilkinson says, " in full glory " with " the youthful Don Felix "in Mrs Centlivre's (In some versions it is respectively a vine and a rose which grow from either tomb and interlace midway.) The young boy could not help but wonder just how many starts existed in the whole universe, but it was unlikely that he would ever find his answer.

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wonder in sentence 2020