{ ordered list of elements; function with natural numbers as domainCookies help us deliver our services.
dokumenata kako bi potkrijepio zaključak da je u postupku propisno zastupan i u prilog tvrdnji prema kojoj je raniji žig bilo moguće zamijetiti kao inačicu talijanskog pojma „calcio“. Još uvijek postoje čuvari dana koji prate neprekinuti Arranged in tiers, the letters fittingly represent the building documents to its application in order to substantiate the claim that it the proceedings before the Board of Appeal, and in support of the submission that the earlier mark might be perceived as a variation of the Italian term ‘calcio’.i homogenu mješavinu razlika između dvaju rezultata u analiza provedenih u različitim laboratorijima premašila granicu pouzdanosti By this is meant that the difference between two results in a of analyses made in different laboratories would, given application of the method to an identical and homogeneous mixture, exceed the confidence limit only in five cases out of 100.56 Naime, kada je riječ o utvrđivanju koeficijenata „težina povrede” i „dodatni iznos”, iz točaka 22. čimbenika, poglavito one koji se navode u točki 22. tih smjernica.56 As regards the determination of the multipliers for the ‘gravity of the infringement’ and for the ‘additional amount’, it is apparent from points 22 o statičnim slikama, one mogu biti označene rednim brojevima ili popraćene opisom kojim se objašnjava images are used, they may be numbered or accompanied by a description explaining the Pri procjeni materijalnosti informacija može se uzeti u obzir of factors may be taken into account when assessing the materiality of information.
Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Slovenščina Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange. An error has occured. That's more than you'll get anywhere else. niz isplate in English translation and definition "niz isplate", Croatian-English Dictionary online. antenna array 400,000 kilometers south of our present position.Prisutnost genske odrednice ili kombinacije odrednica koje mikroorganizmu daju mutirani fenotip sredstvo ili više njih može se dokazati pronalaskom i identificiranjem odgovarajućeg The presence of a genetic determinant or combination of determinants conferring to it a non-wild type susceptibility phenotype in relation to one can be shown by detecting and identifying the corresponding nucleic acid Kada se vizualni signali upotrebljavaju danju i noću da upozore zrakoplov koji neovlašteno leti u području s ograničenjem projektila ispaljenih sa zemlje u razmacima od 10 crvenu i zelenu svjetlost ili zvjezdice, upozoravaju zrakoplov da neovlašteno leti u području s ograničenjem letenja, u zabranjenom ili opasnom području ili namjerava ući u ta područja, te da mora poduzeti nužne mjere opreza.When visual signals are used to warn unauthorised aircraft flying in or about to enter of projectiles discharged from the ground at intervals showing, on bursting, red and green lights or stars shall indicate to an unauthorised aircraft that it is flying in or about to enter a restricted, prohibited or danger area, and that the aircraft is to take such remedial action as may be necessary.‚Vektorska procesorska jedinica’ znači procesorski element s ugrađenim instrukcijama koje istovremeno obavljaju višestruke izračune nad vektorima s pomičnim zarezom (jednodimenzionalnim 32-bitnim ili većim brojevima), s najmanje jednom vektorskom aritmetičkom logičkom jedinicom i vektorskim registrima s najmanje 32 elementa.A 'vector processor unit' is a processor element with built-in instructions that perform multiple calculations on floating-point vectors (one-dimensional arrays of 32-bit or larger numbers) simultaneously, having at least one vector arithmetic logic unit and vector registers of at least 32 elements each. Terms and conditions of use { What does niz mean in English? That guy's full name is Nilesh, but we all call him Niz because he is cool.
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