Let’s take a look and cover everything you need to know about radar detector detectors.One of the most popular early RDD’s was the VG-2.
It doesn’t have the greatest filtering these days, but the stealth is great. I got all my info from Vortex an have a nice collection thanks so much #VortexradarMany thousand people need Spanish subtitles in your videos.Excellent reviews and great product information/support. The STi-R Plus (used in USA, Canada and also in Europe for narrowband Ka photo radar), Passport 9500ci (used in US and Canada), STi Magnum (USA and Canada) and Escort Redline (USA and Canada) radar detectors can not be detected by any RDD including, but not limited to Spectre iv, Spectre Iv+, Spectre iii, Spectre ii, VG2, VG4, STalcar RDD used in AU, Spectre 4 RDD (including Spectre iii, ii, VG2, VG4, Stalcar RDD and OPP Spectre in Canada) is quite effective at detecting nearly all other radar detectors including Valentine One, Valentine One Euro, many of the Bel and Escort radar detectors, Cobra and Whistler radar detectors.However, the above 4 radar detectors can not be detected by any RDD.Call 1st Radar Detectors in Canada at 250-324-8004 or in the USA at 720-635-3931 to discuss your requirements and we will figure out what what you need for your business or your vehicle, and find a US/Canada installer for you. New Spectre IV, Spectre IV + Radar Detector Detectors I’ve tested both new Stealth Microsystems Spectre RDD ™ Mark IV and Spectre RDD ™ Mark IV + (Stalcar outside the States) and found them each to be the best RDD ever. Inside of a radar detector is a component called a local oscillator (LO) which is what’s doing the sweeping / scanning across the different frequencies. The new Spectre IV and IV+ radar detector detectors (RDD) have improved local oscillator detection sensitivity, which enables police to detect noisy radar detectors at greater distances.
I wish all tutorials were like these. Definitely pull good deals together and gives you options.Very good and fair reviews and regular updates on a wide variety of productsThere is no better hands on information source on countermeasure devices.Because he is honest, informative, and entertaining!! To guarantee that you know what’s going on when driving, you’ll want to examine what the different cobra radar detector alert meanings are. Im still undecided on which radar detector is right for me. Anyone interested in learning more about the speed countermeasure industry, Vortex is your guy!Excellent information about "countermeasures" associated with safe driving. Honest assessments.The most knowledgeable honest testing and recommendations on earth! Great source of knowledgeBest videos to learn about old and new radars.
The North America-only version Spectre Mark IV + differs from the Spectre Mark IV supplied to the rest of the world. The Spectre IV+ has a unique control allowing the operator to better locate radar detectors in commercial vehicles in states and provinces where radar detectors are legal for private vehicles. He really knows his stuff!
Watch this video for more info: Tiny heads for stealthy installs, great for exotic cars, expensive, poor track record of updatesAffordable laser jammer (Save $70 with coupon “VortexRadar”)Designed for motorcycles (Save 10% with coupon “Vortex”)https://www.vortexradar.com/2017/11/radar-detector-detectors-everything-you-need-to-know/This guy yes I watch everything he does is the Master on radar detectors and counter measure equipment . Reviews are spot on with his competition. Once you order a Cobra radar detector, you find that some simple signals come up on the screen. Official Radar Detector Review Site of RadarBustersHi, my name is Radar Roy and I’m a retired cop, certified traffic radar instructor and in 1996 I joined the dark side by launching the website Now in areas where radar detectors are illegal they use a device that is a radar detector detector called the Spectre that can sniff out a radar detector hundreds of yards away.However you’ll notice in this video that I also have a radar detector installed under the mirror that I am able to operated as I’m recording this video and that the Spectre is not alerting to it.This is because it’s only one of four radar detectors that is available today that can defeat the Spectre and I’ll share more about that toward the end of this video.First off it was developed by an Australian by the name of Pete Taylor and his company Steath Miro Systems in1998.The US distributor for the Spectre is Stalker and their customers include various police departments thought-out North America that enforce commercial vehicle laws.Now on the front of the Spectre you’ll notice the green power LED, a red LED that will light if the unit overheats, an inter dial to adjust the sensitivity of the receiver, an inter dial for power and volume, and then a series of 5 LED lights from green to red that measure the signal strength of the incoming signal.In basic terms the Spectre RDD is able to receive radio frequency or RF that is emitted from the radar detectors oscillators.Now Because of the directional antenna in the front and the ability to adjust the sensitivity, a properly trained officer can quite easily identify a car or truck that has a radar detector.Now in this first example I’m a couple hundreds of yards behind a semi tanker truck when you’ll notice my first alert of the Spectre RDD.At this time I have the Spectre pointed straight ahead at maximum sensitivity.Now as I begin to get closer to the rear of the truck I begin turning down the sensitivity of the Spectre until I am just a few yards behind the truck.Now because of federal laws having a radar detector in any commercial vehicle weighing over 18,000 pounds is against the law.And also because of federal laws a police officer does not need any type of search warrant or probable cause to do a commercial vehicle inspection.So at this point if I was a police officer I could pull this truck over now, check his logbooks and do a full safety inspection, while also of course looking for his radar detector.Now this all could had been avoided if the driver would had invested in a stealth radar detector, instead of one of those cheaper detectors which leak RF, making them so easy to detect.Now here is an example of a common tactic employed by police officers and that is parking at an entrance of a truck stop or weigh station.Here you can see several vehicles entering the truck stop as my Spectre RDD begins to activate.Now it wouldn’t be hard for an officer to figure out which one of these vehicles has the offending radar detector if this was in Virginia or Washington DC where detectors are illegal.Next I’ll share with you another common tactic used by police and that’s just sitting on the side of the road, waiting for their Spectre RDD alert.Watch the video carefully and you’ll notice the LED signal strength and the audio tone get louder and as the signal gets to be the strongest point I pick the Spectre up and point it at a black Audi.After the cars passed I pulled on to the highway and began to follow in an attempt to catch up with the Audi.Well I was in luck as I noticed the Audi pull into a gas station and I pulled up directly in front of him.Now take note of the windshield just under the rear view mirror and you’ll notice one of those real leaky Cobra radar detectors that they promote as being able to defeat the Spectre.So a question you maybe asking yourself is there any radar detector that can defeat this radar detector detector.Well yes and again I had one of these radar detectors hanging on my read view mirror the entire time of this video and you noticed that it never set the Spectre off and that is the Escort Redline.The Escort Redline is perhaps on of the most popular radar detectors we sell on our website Radarbusters not only because of it’s ability to defeat all radar detectors but also because of it’s extreme range.The Redline just like the Beltronics STi Magnum, the Beltronics STiR Plus and the Passport 9500ci are all built on Escort’s M3 dual feedhorn M3 antenna design enabling all four of these detectors to be 100% stealth to all radar detectors.Now both the Beltronics STiR Plus and the Passport 9500ci are remote mounted radar detectors, which also enable them to be stealth to the eye.Now the main difference between the STiR Plus and the 9500ci is that the STiR Plus is sold without the Laser Shifters, which enables laser jamming also.Now you have an opportunity to save 10% on many of our selected radar detectors on Radarbusters buy becoming a member of our VIP club.On our website you’ll notice a link on the main top menu.Buy joining our free VIP club you will get your own unique discount code that you can use on selected radar detectors that will save you up to 10%, my price match guarantee, entry into our quarterly radar detector give away and as my free gift a copy of my acclaimed radar detector eBook, a value of $19.97.So take the next step and win back your enjoyment and freedom of the open road and become a member now by clicking the banner on top of this video now.Drive safe, drive smart and most of all drive protected