The principles governing spiritual well-being are reflected in the physical creation. He wants to raise our thoughts and desires up out of worldly earthly concerns that drag us down in negative emotional states that rob us of the joy of life and set our feet in a new land or in new states of life – a land flowing with milk (root = fat) and honey (sweetness delight) which is a state of life filled with the pleasure and delight that comes from being reconnected with the source of life itself and being able to consciously receive the constant renewal of His love and wisdom as it flows every more fully into our lives.Yet while the Word teaches us that the Lord’s intention is to have heavenly desires and thoughts ruling within us it also shows us that all is not well with the land. (Exodus 3:17) By means of His Word the Lord makes known to us what His intentions are toward us. If we say we love the Lord but spend very little time in His Word or thinking about spiritual matters what kind of love is that, and similarly if we say we love our neighbour but don’t make any effort to reflect on our thoughts and motives so that we can identify those things that are opposed to heavenly life, and seek that Lord’s assistance to resist them as sins against Him then how can we possibly love our neighbour as we should.
But after the Lord’s Coming they were all thrust down into their own hells, and that region was liberated and given as an inheritance to those who belonged to the spiritual Church. The understanding part or our discernment is created for the Lord’s divine wisdom and this wisdom is knowing how to express the Lord’s love in loving others. Food and drink in the cupboard will not give us what we physically need for the day unless we make the effort to do what’s necessary to see that the food and drink we have stored there gets into our bodies.
We have been in bondage to sin, enslaved to alcoholism, adultery, lying, and other carnal pulls. Well remember we are talking about our minds and this arrangement of three groups of two reflects its structure.
He wants to deliver us from the tyranny that false perspectives and self centered intentions which are what the Egyptians represent here. 3:10; 24:11; Judg. As an integral part of this creation, we human beings have been …Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh
So nothing can save them. Because God loved ancient Israel, He spoke to Moses 72 times, giving specific guidance; He has given us His Holy Spirit for the same purpose. How to edit and use . The Hivites and the Jubusites. Honey and milk is a classic combination often featured in drinks and desserts alike. The Canaanites and the Hittites are mentioned first and they occupy the most inner circle. The three groups reflect three levels, an inmost level, an inner level and an outer level.
Why has the Lord arranged them in this manner? Kim Myers, tracing ancient Israel's abject bondage to the Egyptians and their subsequent redemption and journey to their great gift (that is, the Promised Land), draws a parallel to the Israel of God. So the understanding part of the mind is designed to hold thoughts and concepts that instruct us how to live a loving life, or how to express the Lord’s love. God's ways from the world's point of view are strange; the world thinks we are nerds. Based upon scripture, it seems like it was more than just a figurative "milk and honey". After the deaths of the recalcitrant first generation (a collection of rebels who preferred bondage to godly freedom), an emergent second generation entered the land of milk and honey, with God winning all their military victories for them.
The land is our mind and we see from the Word that all is not well within it, it has foreign elements that have taken up residence there. The reason for this is that those from hell have a constant burning desire to destroy the things of heaven, in particular those things that are their opposites.
We will swallow them up. The reason for this is that those from hell (self centred motives) have a constant burning desire to destroy the things of heaven (genuine spiritual affections), in particular those things that are their opposites.
This is why it’s so important that we make the effort to study and apply the Word to our lives.But a little reflection tells us that something has gone terribly wrong with the design, for rather than heavenly desires focused on loving the Lord and thoughts centered on loving our neigbour, our minds are often taken hold of by feelings and thoughts that put self first and shut heavenly things out. The Amorites and the Perizzites are what occupies the middle circle between the inmost and the outermost circle. orchestrate their release.
Which is in fact what they do represent. What this means is that if we really want heavenly desires and thoughts to be a real part of our lives then we have to be taking the Word into our lives. I have often noticed that as soon any place is abandoned by good spirits it is occupied by evil ones, but that the evil spirits are driven out of it; and that once they have been driven out it is handed over again to those who are governed by good. Was the land more fertile 3500 years ago?
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